Idle Words

Scripture Reading - Matthew 12:34-37 KJV

34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

While pondering the current political situation and the broadcast of major sporting events it sparked a thought about “Idle Chit Chat” from analysts and announcers. The basic definition of “Chit Chat” is light conversation or casual talk. Similarly the basic meaning of “idle” is not working, non-producing, inoperative and lacking activity. Another definition of “idle” is lazy or not of any worth. This word “idle” is also described as void of reasoning having no foundation to build upon. This sounds really bad and indeed it is a problem the Lord Jesus faced during His earthly ministry because of people speaking words of no value. Yes, even today this problem still exist and we (ihlcc) believe this problem to be larger today than it was during the time of Jesus earthly ministry. We say this because when God created the earth whatever He spoke created realities in the universe. This included the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. Yes, the Father God was (and still is) very precise in the usage of His Word (Jesus). God our Heavenly Father is the Master Architecture of all good things created and designed both in Heaven and on Earth. So when Adam came into the earth with Eve they were more keenly aware of the power of words, both in thought and in spoken force. Word’s create destiny so what we speak must have purpose, priority and proper place. Remember, Adam was charged with naming all the animals on the earth so his mind was exceptionally sharp and his vocabulary would seem to be very extensive.-Refer to Genesis 2:19,20 As time would have it the effects of sin on mankind and the environment which mankind lives is growing more and more negative with age. Yes, The Light is still here to heal, set free and create but the forces of darkness are also growing to compete with the Kingdom of God. In the days of Jesus there was no such thing as the internet and a person could lose their life for speaking evil of authority. In today’s society people seem to be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want to and how ever they want as often as they want. Man can use pictures, images and words to express their self without fear of retaliation or repercussions. This environment known as freedom of speech is believed to be a blessing for most people upon the earth because some will surmise that the Christian can preach the gospel without restraint or reservation. Oh, yes, and Amen, we say to that. However, this so called right (freedom of speech) is not right in God’s Eyes because it also allows the Satanist to propagate his message to the public too. Since man is born evil and always inclined to do wrong in the sight of God we have the very real dilemma of wickedness being broadcast twenty-four hours a day and all seven-days of the week. Yes, included in this work of darkness is an overabundance of “Idle Chit Chat”. Yes, people in prominent positions are proclaiming lies as if they are true and many people are being deceived simply because so many voices are saying the same wrong thing. As Believers in Jesus Christ we must guard our heart to speak only (solely) His Word and all good words (wholesome words of truth, comfort and righteousness). We should be both thoughtful and prayerful in the presentation of our words because the words we speak from our heart are representing who we really are in Christ Jesus. Just because many other people are speaking “idle words” constantly does not mean that we (the saints of God) should be like them. Think about the words of a minister speaking forth the Words of Jesus known as the Words of Life how liberating this message can be when received by the hungry heart. On the contrary think about all the messages against God that are constantly working for the kingdom of darkness to turn people away from Jesus Christ, the Savoir of the World. Yes, some words are obviously evil but many people don’t realize that “idle words” (non-producing words) are doing nothing for the establishment of God’s Kingdom upon the earth. We are either building up the Kingdom of God or working against it by building up our own kingdom or the kingdom of darkness. Specially speaking about politics does our hope rest in the president of the United States of America or does our hope rest in God, our Heavenly Father? Is it life changing what we think about who is best suited for the office of President or is it better to focus on The Only Lord and King that is best suited to run this whole universe? Does speculation about the various candidates running for office set people free or the Name of Jesus and the Crimson Blood of Christ? So why do so many Believers spend “idle time” to produce the “idle words” of current circumstances? Do they not know that all these temporary things will be changed tomorrow? Yes, even we (ihlcc) have lapsed to make an error in judgment when discussing current affair instead of the Glorification of God. Sports is no different we (many Christians in general) spend a lot of time watching and partaking of sports on all levels. We (ihlcc) don’t believe that there is anything specifically wrong with sports in general but when people start speaking badly about the other team players (members) we must realize we might be speaking evil of another brethren. Yes, sports are supposed to be your leisure entertainment so we should never lose our composure over the outcome of a game. We shouldn’t spend so much time with sports that we don’t have enough time for our God given family. Yes, there are also those who know sporting statistics better than they know their Holy Bible (God). Watching and playing sports surely won’t kill you but they will not produce any eternal life to save you and heal you either. Dear Children of God these idle (non-producing) habits are stealing our time and disrupting our peace, so let us be diligent in our discipline of words by trimming (training) our thoughts to remove “idleness”. We shall speak forth good words that produce life, peace and knowledge, not just words about Jesus but words that will help people better understand what they are doing and what they need to do. Yes, all words you speak forth to help your fellowman are good words when they are aligned with God’s Will. So never hesitate to speak forth righteousness just purpose to avoid “idle conversations” and superfluous “Chit Chat” because those “idle words” are not breeding life. Since we know we will give an account of all “idle words” it is wise to include a measure of judgment on whatever comes out of our mouth. Yes, speaking positive words of life and peace will keep us free from the commendation that accompanies “idle words” spoken to others outside of the Love of God. Amen!